
The Dominion Pulse

The Dominion Pulse

After losing his father to Elathan, Brendan and Lizzie are forced to regroup, recover, and come to grips with the immense responsibility that has been thrust upon them. Faced with the golden god's aggressive plans to free his powerful allies and seize control of Otherworld, Brendan and his friends must seek their own power and enlist the help of the wise goddess Bibe.

As the worlds becomes further marred in darkness, the heroes must work against time if they want to save Otherworld––and themselves. Book three in the Celtic Mythos Series.

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About the Book

After losing his father to Elathan, Brendan and Lizzie are forced to regroup, recover, and come to grips with the immense responsibility that has been thrust upon them. Faced with the golden god’s aggressive plans to free his powerful allies and seize control of Otherworld, Brendan and his friends must seek their own power and enlist the help of the wise goddess Bibe.

As the worlds becomes further marred in darkness, the heroes must work against time if they want to save Otherworld––and themselves. Book three in the Celtic Mythos Series.

Author: Brad A. LaMar
Series: The Celtic Mythos Series, Book 3
Genres: Fantasy and Speculative Fiction, Fiction, Young Adult and Kids
Publisher: Torchflame Books
Publication Year: 2015
ISBN: 9781611531046
List Price: 18.95
eBook Price: 6.99
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Brad A. LaMar

When he’s not fighting evil witches and wizards, Brad A. LaMar is an educator who resides in the Indianapolis Metropolitan area. He has taught science to middle school students for 12 years and works with teachers facilitating professional development and school improvement.

He is married to Lori, a beautiful and supportive woman, and together they’re raising Evan and Paige, two intelligent and wonderful children.

The idea for the Celtic Mythos series came from his love of science fiction and fantasy and the underutilized and abundantly rich folklore of the Celtic people. They are so much more than leprechauns! Brad has always loved a good story, and upon researching the mythos of the Celtic Isles he became enthralled in the type of story he could tell.

Brad especially enjoys the way a story makes a reader think, laugh, and react. He works hard to deliver those experiences in his best selling YA fantasy series, Celtic Mythos.


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