
The Shelf Life of Fire

The Shelf Life of Fire

Rachel, a middle-aged novelist and university professor in North Carolina, finds herself in a downward spiral when she learns that her brother Dennis, from whom she’s been estranged for decades, is dying. The news brings back memories she has long repressed.

As she reflects on how early trauma changed the trajectory of her life, Rachel remembers her youth and begins to rethink her role as a woman, a daughter, a wife, and a mother, reexamining the life she’s found herself living.

At times, Rachel's attempts to mine her own complicated past and to weave her memories into the fabric of her professional and creative work are laugh-out-loud funny; at other times, they're painful, though always off-beat and deeply intimate.

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About the Book

Rachel, a middle-aged novelist and university professor in North Carolina, finds herself in a downward spiral when she learns that her brother Dennis, from whom she’s been estranged for decades, is dying. The news brings back memories she has long repressed.

As she reflects on how early trauma changed the trajectory of her life, Rachel remembers her youth and begins to rethink her role as a woman, a daughter, a wife, and a mother, reexamining the life she’s found herself living.

At times, Rachel’s attempts to mine her own complicated past and to weave her memories into the fabric of her professional and creative work are laugh-out-loud funny; at other times, they’re painful, though always off-beat and deeply intimate.

Author: Robin Greene
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Light Messages Publishing
Publication Year: 2019
ISBN: 9781611532616
List Price: 16.99
eBook Price: 7.99
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Robin Greene

Robin Greene is the McLean Professor of English at Methodist University in Fayetteville, NC. She holds an MA from the State University of New York and an MFA from Norwich University. In addition to Real Birth, her publications include two poetry collections––Memories of Light and Lateral Drift and her first novel, The Shelf Life of Fire. For more about Robin and her work visit: http://www.robingreene-writer.com.


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