Charlotte Harris Rees is an independent researcher, a retired federal employee, an honors graduate of Columbia International University, and a bestselling author. She has diligently studied the possibility of very early arrival of Chinese to America.
In 2003 Rees and her brother took the Harris Map Collection to the Library of Congress where it remained for three years while being studied. In 2006 she published an abridged version of her father’s, The Asiatic Fathers of America: Chinese Discovery and Colonization of Ancient America.
Her Secret Maps of the Ancient World came out in 2008. In late 2011 she released Chinese Sailed to America Before Columbus: More Secrets from the Dr. Hendon M. Harris, Jr. Map Collection. Her books are listed by World Confederation of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies. Visit her webpage at http://www.asiaticfathers.com/.
Courage Endurance Sacrifice
Starting in 1875 and covering a span of almost 100 years, three missionary families exhibited bravery, endurance, and sacrifice when their very lives were at risk.
William David Powell and his wife, Mary Florence Mayberry Powell, were missionaries to “Wild West” Texas then Mexico.
In the period 1910-1947 (including during Japanese occupation) their daughter Florence and her husband, Hendon M. Harris, were missionaries to Kaifeng, China.
Their son Hendon M. Harris Jr. and his wife Marjorie Weaver Harris served as missionaries to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Referencing 55 books and 39 articles, this biography gives numerous firsthand accounts from all three families.
More info →Did Ancient Chinese Explore America?
A Chinese classic, the Shan Hai Jing, reportedly from 2000 BC claimed travels to the ends of the earth. However, today many, while accepting the antiquity of this account, believe it was just mythology. But was it? Testing the hypothesis that the Shan Hai Jing described actual surveys of North America, Charlotte Harris Rees, author of books about early Chinese exploration, followed an alleged 1100 mile Chinese trek along the eastern slope of the US Rocky Mountains. The Chinese account should have been easy to disprove.
In the travelogue Did Ancient Chinese Explore America? Rees candidly shares her initial doubts then her search and discoveries. She weaves together history, subtle humor, academic studies, and many photographs to tell a compelling story.
A recently deciphered petroglyph along the route contains names of two Shang Dynasty Chinese monarchs. That petroglyph has been authenticated by a leading expert in ancient Chinese script.
More info →New World Secrets on Ancient Asian Maps
New World Secrets on Ancient Asian Maps explores historical settings and distinctive styles of various old Asian maps and relates interesting curiosities found on them—including ancient love notes, state secrets, and internationally volatile data.
These secrets could change your understanding of world history. Initially a skeptic of the theory of early arrival of Chinese to the Americas, the author’s initial research was to find the meaning of the maps in the prized Dr.Hendon M. Harris, Jr. Collection. Her research took her beyond that to various related maps and what they reveal about Chinese knowledge of the New World at early dates.
This book presents additional text, clearer maps, and more illustrations than it did under its previous title: Chinese Sailed to America Before Columbus
More info →The Asiatic Fathers of America
Much evidence from both sides of the Pacific indicates that people from Asia reached America at very early dates. It also appears that at least occasional trips were made back to Asia.
This book, by Hendon M. Harris, Jr. and edited by Charlotte Rees, explores some of the early Asian accounts about voyages to a beautiful land to their east called Fu Sang. It explains how that trip was possible. Included are photos of an ancient Asian world map that show the location of the fabled Fu Sang -right where America should be.
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