
Everyone Can Code

Everyone Can Code

What do doctors, firefighters, writers, chefs, farmers, plumbers, and kids have in common? They can all code to solve real-world problems.

“Remember, coding is not
made just for the few.
Everyone can code.
Even kids just like you!”

With rhyming text and colorful illustrations, this fun book encourages children of all ages to explore the wonderful world of coding. With code that helps a plumber identify a clogged sink, alerts a firefighter to a new fire, tells a chef when her food is ready and identifies pests on a farmer’s crop, children will learn practical ways they can make the world a better place through coding.

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About the Book

“Remember, coding is not
made just for the few.
Everyone can code.
Even kids just like you!”

With rhyming text and colorful illustrations, this fun book encourages children of all ages to explore the wonderful world of coding and it’s applications.

Author: Timothy Amadi
Genre: Young Adult and Kids
Publisher: Torchflame Books
Publication Year: 2019
ASIN: 1611533279
ISBN: 9781611533255
List Price: 8.99
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Timothy Amadi

No matter their background, age, or interest, eleven-year-old Timothy Amadi wants kids everywhere to know one thing: Everyone can code. Including kids. Timothy should know––he started coding when he was just 6 years old and he's been empowering kids ever since.

Timothy believes coding is the global language in today’s digital world, and kids need to communicate through this language. He wants kids to help with identifying challenges and building solutions to problems around the home, school, and community through code.

Timothy is always happy whenever invited by schools and clubs to engage boys and girls in finding solutions through code.

When he's not coding, Timothy loves to play ping-pong with his two older brothers, Eugene and Daniel. He also plays the xylophone and piano.

Connect with Timothy at www.bugzero.codes


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