Seen and Heard

Move into Abundance and Freedom
You are not alone if you've struggled with not feeling like you will ever be "enough." This can happen when you realize you aren't living the life you want, something dramatically uproots the plan you had for your life, or even when comparison slips in and it seems everyone else's lives are perfect and alluring and yours feels empty.
There are many unseen forces that shape our lives—expectations from society, culture, and religion that impact how we feel about ourselves and our lives. This can lead us to feel like frauds or imposters in the life we're living day to day. Weeding through this slog can feel like walking with weights on our ankles as we go through the motions without really engaging in our lives.
Seen and Heard seeks to reveal the unseen forces holding you back and keeping you from the life you're desperate to live all the while providing a path forward of how it can be different and empowering you with the tools to live the life you dream of.