
Social Media Series: Facebook

Marketing, Tips

Are you tired of asking your friend’s kids for help on the Internet? Do you dread scheduling a post—let alone writing one? Are you embarrassed by your social media accounts?

You can stop worrying about that now. As a sneak peak into Pub Light: A Publisher’s Introduction to Selling your Book in 10 Easy Steps (available this month), this week starts a series of blog posts that can help you answer all of the questions you’re constantly asking yourself when it comes to social media. By tuning into our weekly blog, you will be able to learn about snippets from our latest book as well as instructions on how to revamp your online presence in order to build up your book brand.

First up: Facebook.

This megalith of a social networking platform boasts more that 1.4 billion active monthly users. And if you’re not a member yet, you should be. Creating a profile is simple. Register an email address as your username and choose a password. Remember, you’re trying to build up your author brand not your personal one so use your author designated email to set up the Facebook account.

Once you have created your profile, it is important to choose a profile picture and cover photo. You should choose a photo of yourself as the profile picture, but your cover photo can be an image of your work or promotional matter (for example, your latest book). Also, make sure to completely fill out the about section and description. You’ll want to include an email address for others to contact you and your author website address.

You know a social media website is a big deal when it has been made into a hollywood drama. So use Facebook to build relationships, just as Mark Zuckerberg tried to in the movie. Don’t rudely comment about an Erica Albright like the movie suggests Mark Zuckerberg did (read: burn bridges). Instead, use your Facebook author profile as a platform to dialogue with readers, share new projects, post passing thoughts, share photos, list book tour stops, and even post excerpts from your writing projects.

Do: Include website information, a short description about yourself, social media contests and giveaways and public appearances and events.

Do not: Post a million and one pictures of your grandchild, As you build your author identity and brand, your private life should be a part of your author identity—but not the whole thing.

Next, create a public page. This a page that readers and followers can like or follow. Be sure to make this page public so that readers can like your page but do not have to become friends with you to view content. You can create this page from your profile. There is a pages and events section on the left side of your home screen. On this public page, you can also share news about your book, appearances, and link promotional contests here. The trick with this type of page is that other facebook users do not have to friend request you. They can simply like or follow your page. As your reader base grows, you can even fill out a Facebook Verifican Request Form to get you page verified in the future. For an example, you can view Mark Zuckerberg’s profile here: https://www.facebook.com/zuck.

Do: Use the book cover to create the Facebook cover photo. Use clear and high-quality images on the pages.

Do not: Incessantly post the Amazon link to purchase the book. If you do include the link, make sure to also include other content in the post. For example, do write, “My book, “An Amazing Book” is in the top 50 books of its category today. Thank you everyone! In case you’ve missed it, check out its ranking here: www.amazon.com/mybookforsale.” Do not just write, “www.amazon.com/mybookforsale.”

Using Facebook pages lets you harness the power of Facebook without having to accept complete strangers into your circle of fans. They also let you interact around a specific book or event, such as your writing. Take advantage of the connectedness Facebook offers to make friends and meet fans.

Although it may seem overwhelming at first, Facebook is a friendly social media platform. It’s the best way to start your social media journey. If you are on top of your game, tune into next week’s post topic: Twitter.

We Want to Hear from You

If you have a book ready to be published, we’d love to take a look at your book and see how we may be able to work with you to bring your book to the world. Review our publishing options, and if you think we’d be a good fit for each other, we’d love to review your manuscript.

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