Dr. Craig B. Wiener is a licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Worcester, Massachusetts. He obtained his doctoral degree from Clark University in 1979. In addition to over forty years of private practice, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. For over two decades, he was the Clinical Director of Mental Health Services at a community health center where he supervised a large staff of clinicians and graduate students. Dr. Wiener is the author of three books on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and he has presented his work at national and state conventions for Psychologists. His current book, Backyard Politics is a culmination of his clinical experience, which has helped him gain insight into the ways in which people resolve their difficulties.
Backyard Politics
A fresh understanding of today’s political divide.
Dr. Craig Wiener, a clinical psychologist for over forty years, approaches the current political divide from a desire to understand the differences between opposing political ideologies, and to create space for multiple points of view in highly charged political discussions.
Utilizing an innovative way to conceptualize the two main viewpoints driving American politics, Dr. Wiener discusses how the people holding these perspectives may view, respond to, and interact with highly contentious political issues such as poverty, racism, the patriarchy, and family life. In assessing these issues, he proposes solutions for managing the interpersonal conflicts that occur within our tense political atmosphere.
Backyard Politics is a must-read analysis of today’s political landscape and a proposed way to overcome our intense differences.
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