I was born and raised on a farm, in the Caldwell community of Orange County, North Carolina. Along with Mama and Daddy my sister, my brother, and I put in a lot of our time working at home. We raised chickens to sell hatching eggs, grew tobacco, corn, wheat, hay; you name it.
We had a lot of animals at different times. Cattle, almost always a milk cow, hogs, and a horse once. The closest to a Gypsy was a duck named Doodles that I won in a school drawing in the second or third grade. He would chase us kids around the house and bite us if he got the chance.
These days, when I’m not writing, I make my living as a building contractor. I am also a licensed aircraft mechanic. For years I have enjoyed flying airplanes and still get the opportunity now and then. I enjoy playing my guitar and like to start every morning by playing for a while.
Gypsy the Goat
Gypsy the Goat is the story of second chances and important choices. While starting out on a questionable path, Gypsy encounters something that he has never had before—a real family. This could take him down a totally different road, but it’s all up to him to decide which way to go.
We have all, at one time or other, known someone who is rather brash—and maybe even downright hardheaded. Gypsy the Goat is just such a friend. It seems that maybe he grew up with very little restraint, for just about everything that he does causes problems, though he seems to be completely unaware of all the turmoil that he constantly creates. One laid back creature for sure!
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