

Social Media Series: Facebook

Social Media Series: Facebook

Are you tired of asking your friend’s kids for help on the Internet? Do you dread scheduling a post—let alone writing one? Are you embarrassed by your social media accounts? You can stop worrying about that now. As a sneak peak into Pub Light: A Publisher’s...

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The Importance of Starting Early in Book Promotion

You’ve finished your book. You’re in your last round of edits. Your cover design is in the process of being finalized. You’re ready to pass out copies to friends. And just when you thought writing your book was the hard part, now it’s time to promote your work. But...

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How To Handle a Bad Review

How To Handle a Bad Review

  Are you sitting down? I have some news for you: Not everyone is going to like your book. When they don't, you have two choices: 1) Move on or 2) Move into a cabin in the woods. Nobody likes a bad review. Not you. Not your publisher. Not even the reviewer who...

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How To Use Pinterest as an Author

How To Use Pinterest as an Author

Pinterest is the fastest growing standalone website ever. And while recipes, dream travel destinations, style tips, and adorable photos of cats seem to dominate the site's content, there is plenty of room for authors. If you are a published author or want to become...

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The Virtue of Blog Tours – Interview with TLC Book Tours

The Virtue of Blog Tours – Interview with TLC Book Tours

Virtual Book Tours, also known as blog tours, are an excellent way for authors to promote themselves and their books. Blog tours seem to use all the advantages of social media, plus the "tour stops" are recorded on the blogs and last far beyond the event date, so...

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15+ Facebook and Twitter Content Ideas for Authors

15+ Facebook and Twitter Content Ideas for Authors

If you're an author these days, it's generally expected that you have a Facebook and Twitter account, among numerous other social media accounts. People rarely ask anymore, "Do you have a Facebook page?" instead asking, "What's your Facebook page?" or "What's your...

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What to Put on Your Author Website

What to Put on Your Author Website

Every author needs a webpage, and yet as gifted as authors are with words, they often find it remarkably difficult to decide what to include on their website. If you find yourself in this group, don't despair. You are most definitely not alone. And we are here to...

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Your Book is Published! Time to Relax?

Your Book is Published! Time to Relax?

Think Again! By Nancy Panko, Author of Guiding Missal After ten years of researching, writing, resting, and repeating the process over and over, my book Guiding Missal was published. One of my crowning achievements as a human being and a writer was also one of the...

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How to Build an Author Platform Without a Book

How to Build an Author Platform Without a Book

It’s no secret that your author career benefits from having an active online presence. It’s also well known that there’s no fast way to build a platform that will last long into your career and bring the results you’re hoping for time and time again.

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What to Prepare Before You Create Your Author Website

What to Prepare Before You Create Your Author Website

You’ve decided you’re ready to pursue publication. Whether you’re going to self publish, hybrid publish, or go a more traditional route, it’s likely you’ll eventually need to put together a website. You have a few options for how you can go about this, but no matter which way you choose, you’ll need to be prepared with material to populate your website.

As you gather this material, think about the experience you want your site visitors to have. This is your first impression. What impression do you want them to have?

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