

Ask the Authors: Becoming an Author

Ask the Authors: Becoming an Author

The journey towards becoming an author can greatly differ from person to person, so Nancy Boyarsky and Rebecca Stevenson offer their own unique perspectives and experiences.  Have more questions for our authors? Leave us a comment on Facebook! Could you both start off...

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Ask the Authors: Finding Success

Ask the Authors: Finding Success

What defines success for an author? Is is the number of books sold? The number of awards they recieve? Authors Brad A. LaMar and Susan Örnbratt join us for this week's Ask the Authors blog post on defining and finding success as an author. If you have any questions...

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Questions to Ask When Book Sales are Slow

Questions to Ask When Book Sales are Slow

By Jori Hanna It’s easy to get discouraged when your book isn’t selling as well as you hoped or expected. After all, as an author, you signed up to write books. You likely don’t have a business or marketing degree, and when it comes to the world of book sales, it’s...

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6 Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Authors

By Kylee Wooten The biggest “do” of all: You should need to be on social media. These days, having a Twitter account and a Facebook page are almost as essential to your success as an author actually having a book. 1. DO: Cultivate a large, engaging network. Start with...

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Online Marketing for Busy Authors

Online Marketing for Busy Authors

By Fauzia Burke One of the nation's leading online book marketing experts, Fauzia Burke recently published Online Marketing for Busy Authors: A Step by Step Guide. Sharing her expertise of online publicity, book publishing and social media, Fauzia points out trends...

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Creating Content for Social Media

Creating Content for Social Media

So now you have all of the accounts set up—but maintaining 2 to 3 social media platforms isn’t as easy as it seems. Creating original content for each individual site can be tricky. Do you always and only find yourself retweeting on Twitter or sharing other people’s...

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How to Create an Author Newsletter

How to Create an Author Newsletter

Another way to spread the word about your new book and keep readers updated is through an email newsletter. That’s right. Don’t just send one email. Send many. Invite friends, family and readers to sign up for your newsletter either online or at your launch party. If...

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How to do a Cover Reveal

How to do a Cover Reveal

Everyone has heard the cliché “Don’t choose a book by its cover.” But we all still do that to an extent, don’t we? People do judge a book by its cover. Most people let their opinions of a cover at least subconsciously shadow their perception of a book. Looks matter....

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Social Media Series: Goodreads

By now you know that using social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are a free and effective way to build an audience. Luckily, authors and booklovers have another option to connect with readers: Goodreads. Goodreads (Goodreads.com) is a book lover’s...

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Social Media Series: Reddit

Social Media Series: Reddit

Have the normal social media sites under control? Are you a Facebook genius, but want to branch out into something different? Or do you want to try something besides Twitter and FB to connect with readers? Then reddit is a great place to connect. Reddit is a pop...

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Social Media Series: Instagram

Instagram is a photo and video sharing social media platform. Users can post and edit images with captions or view the images of those users and friends that you follow. News organizations, magazines, events, interest groups and more use Instagram to share...

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Social Media Series: Twitter

Social Media Series: Twitter

Having trouble keeping up with what’s trending online? Confused by all the hashtags? Want a key to all the shorthand messages? The second post to guide you through the social media universe is here. Twitter is essentially a timeline of micro-blogging. By tweeting...

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Online Marketing Resource Master List

No matter where you're at in your online marketing, we're here to help you represent yourself in the most effective and most helpful ways possible. This is a master list of all our resources for online marketing. We've covered everything from author websites and...

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Social Media Series: Facebook

Social Media Series: Facebook

Are you tired of asking your friend’s kids for help on the Internet? Do you dread scheduling a post—let alone writing one? Are you embarrassed by your social media accounts? You can stop worrying about that now. As a sneak peak into Pub Light: A Publisher’s...

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How To Handle a Bad Review

How To Handle a Bad Review

  Are you sitting down? I have some news for you: Not everyone is going to like your book. When they don't, you have two choices: 1) Move on or 2) Move into a cabin in the woods. Nobody likes a bad review. Not you. Not your publisher. Not even the reviewer who...

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