

How To Use Pinterest as an Author

How To Use Pinterest as an Author

Pinterest is the fastest growing standalone website ever. And while recipes, dream travel destinations, style tips, and adorable photos of cats seem to dominate the site's content, there is plenty of room for authors. If you are a published author or want to become...

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What to Put on Your Author Website

What to Put on Your Author Website

Every author needs a webpage, and yet as gifted as authors are with words, they often find it remarkably difficult to decide what to include on their website. If you find yourself in this group, don't despair. You are most definitely not alone. And we are here to...

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6 Tips For A Better Book Cover

6 Tips For A Better Book Cover

I have some bad news. People do judge your book by its cover. Your cover is actually one of the most crucial pieces of your published book. After all, what does it matter if you wrote a revolutionary life-changing guide or the most gripping mystery if nobody opens the...

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Choosing the Right Font For Your Book

Choosing the Right Font For Your Book

How a book reads is an important detail that can be easily overlooked in the publishing process. But if your book's text isn't attractive and easy to read, then readers will be turned off before they even get into your message or story. Too much text, small margins,...

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Page Elements Explained

As an author, you've probably spent more time worrying about what goes on the page than what goes around it. But as a reader, you've likely relied on the little print around the margins--you know, the stuff that tells you the author's name, what chapter you're...

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Choosing the Right Trim Size For Your Book

When it comes to publishing a book, there are many details that authors often don't think of until the time comes to make a decision. The size of the book is one such detail. For example, you might think you want a "small" book, but what exactly does that mean? There...

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Industry Standards Checklist Raises the Bar

Industry Standards Checklist Raises the Bar

To give both authors and book industry professionals an at-a-glance method by which to gauge the professional presentation of a book, the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) – ibpa-online.org – has released a 2-page Industry Standards Checklist for a...

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Stop the Presses—DON’T Publish that Book

Stop the Presses—DON’T Publish that Book

By Elizabeth Turnbull As the Senior Editor for a small publishing company, I see a lot of potential books pass through my hands. To be honest, most of the manuscript submissions we receive have great potential. The themes are creative and timely, the information is...

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Authors – Do Not Read This At Home

As an author, you've probably been told time and time again that great authors read great books. You can't write if you don't read. And as an author, you probably always have a book by your bed, one on the kitchen table and another in the living room. Books lined up...

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How Do You Know You Are Ready To Publish?

How Do You Know You Are Ready To Publish?

Sometimes, knowing when you're ready to publish is as hard as writing the manuscript. There are always final edits, and you could have a thousand final drafts. (FinalDraft.doc, ReallyFinalDraft.doc, ReallyReallyFinalDraft.doc, OkThisOneIsItFinalDraft.doc.) Sound...

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New Releases Coming in Winter 2023

New Releases Coming in Winter 2023

Happy New Year! Keep reading to hear all about the exciting books we have for you soon!

Keep your eyes peeled for a traditional mystery and an apocalyptic action novel perfect for curling up with to enjoy with a cup of tea and a cozy blanket, and a business educational nonfiction designed to help you reach your full potential.

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