Backyard Politics

Backyard Politics

$19.99eBook: $7.99

A fresh understanding of today’s political divide.

Dr. Craig Wiener, a clinical psychologist for over forty years, approaches the current political divide from a desire to understand the differences between opposing political ideologies, and to create space for multiple points of view in highly charged political discussions.

Utilizing an innovative way to conceptualize the two main viewpoints driving American politics, Dr. Wiener discusses how the people holding these perspectives may view, respond to, and interact with highly contentious political issues such as poverty, racism, the patriarchy, and family life. In assessing these issues, he proposes solutions for managing the interpersonal conflicts that occur within our tense political atmosphere.

Backyard Politics is a must-read analysis of today’s political landscape and a proposed way to overcome our intense differences.

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Becoming a Creative Genius {Again}

Becoming a Creative Genius {Again}

$14.99eBook: $7.99

Becoming a Creative Genius {again} makes the case that we are all born creative and entrepreneurial geniuses, then shows you how to become the most creatively entrepreneurial version of yourself you can be. And is there a part of your life that won’t improve when that happens?

Those attending Nordgren’s workshops comment that his content prepares them to get the most out of:

  • Agile software development
  • Design thinking
  • Lean start-up methodology
  • Corporate innovation processes
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Can Doesn’t Mean Should

Can Doesn’t Mean Should

$14.95eBook: $7.99
Author: Paul Smolen
Genre: Educational

Become a better parent and make it easier!

Dr. Smolen, a seasoned pediatrician and pediatric blogger, provides parents current, research based information to help you make informed decisions about family life.  He provides practical tips and strategies for parents in the 21st century:

  • Food - optimal nutrition and consequences of poor choices
  • Screen - the influence of quantity and type of screen time
  • Chores - responsibility shapes character
  • Money - value and management
  • Balance - academics, extra curricular activities, and unstructured play
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Charting a Course for American Education

Charting a Course for American Education

$15.99eBook: $6.99

It turns out that kind, humble and nonpartisan can work in Washington, just reach beyond the Beltway.

An apolitical academic, an unknown, is appointed to the White House to advise the administration on STEM education, a topic absent of interest by the president. Until that is, fans begin to accumulate and momentum builds. A hire of disinterested necessity—merely an act of compliance with Congress—becomes a pivotal character triangulated between a workforce-focused West Wing, federal agencies fiercely guarding their independence, and a national groundswell—indeed an emerging movement—desperate for a North Star.

This modern-day Gulliver's Travels in Bureaucracyland begins benignly enough. America’s education systems must respond to the needs of industry, and thus the economy, and produce more scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians, and related professionals Congress declared in 2010. The White House’s science and technology policy office was assigned to write a strategic plan and update it every five years. The first came out in 2013, due to expire in 2018. The Trump administration was on the hook, but as of 2017, it was on no one’s radar.

Under pressure and getting heat from Capitol Hill, the administration rolodexed who’s whom in STEM and recruited a state servant for the federal chore. Short on time, oblivious to political polarity, unbound to beltway traditions, and unfazed by saboteurs, the Midwesterner blazed new trails for how D.C. can work in setting education policy.

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Code Warriors

Code Warriors

$12.99eBook: $6.99

With tragedy striking their village almost daily in terms of accidents and illness, twins Dakuntu and Sakuntu are desperate to find a way to help the ones they love. Eventually, their avid reading leads them to a great discovery: the internet.

New to the world of technology, the twins devour every book they can get their hands on that will teach them about the internet and eventually, about coding. Dakuntu and Sakuntu have a brilliant idea. If they can pull it off, they might just save their entire village and usher in the dawn of a new era for their friends and family.

Code Warriors is more than just a story of science and technology reaching the remote regions of the world. This is also a story of love, compassion, and the lengths we will go to in order to help the ones we love.

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Coding for Kids

Coding for Kids

Young boys and girls are discovering that coding isn’t just useful for grownups, it’s also a great skill for kids—and it can even be fun. But it can be daunting to get started. There are so many programming languages and new words to learn. That’s where Coding for Kids: Learn the Terms comes in.

This book is written by a young author for his peers as an introduction to coding terms. Coding for Kids offers a brief overview of more than 25 basic terms essential for coding. Fun puzzles and activities keep the lessons accessible and help kids learn the terms so they can start coding on their own.

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Coding for Teens

Coding for Teens

Coming Soon

Teens are discovering the fun and usefulness of coding, from gaming to social media to creating apps to building their college resume.  But it can be daunting to get started. There are so many programming languages and new words to learn.

That’s where Coding for Teens: Learn the Terms comes in. This book is written by a teen author for his peers as an introduction to coding terms.

Coding for Teens offers a brief overview of more than 25 basic terms essential for coding. Fun puzzles and activities keep the lessons accessible and help teens learn the terms so they can start coding on their own.

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Coding is Fun!

Coding is Fun!


For the child who’s naturally curious, this coloring book is a fun and educational introduction to the many ways that coding affects our daily lives. From remote control cars to video calls to laundry machines to drip irrigation, coding makes the modern world work. Introduce little ones to the wonders of coding with 30 original illustrations in a coloring book that will feed their curiosity.

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Cybersecurity for Teens

Cybersecurity for Teens


Teens have access to millions of apps and hundreds of connected products, including computers, smartphones, and even smart sneakers. These digital tools are fun and useful for everything from from gaming to social media, to homework, to online purchases. But the digital world can be dangerous unless one knows the risks and how to avoid them.

That’s where Cybersecurity for Teens: Learn the Terms comes in. This book is written by a teen author for his peers as an introduction to cybersecurity terms.

Cybersecurity for Teens offers a brief overview of more than 50 terms essential for cybersecurity. Fun puzzles and activities keep the lessons accessible and help teens learn the terms.

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Essential Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line

Essential Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line

$19.99eBook: $12.99

A veteran police chief’s hard-won lessons on leading yourself, leading others, and leading an organization.

Essential Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line is just that—lessons learned the old-fashioned way through trial and error, studying, hard work, and experience while on our nation’s front lines to serve and protect. Dean Crisp spent decades leading people where a single misstep could cost a life. Faced with the daily challenges of a police chief, Dean threw himself into learning all he could about effective leadership and applying those lessons in his departments. He shares those hard-won lessons in this book.

Dean lays the book out into three key sections that build on each other to help you become a better leader: Leading Yourself, Leading Others, Leading the Organization. Dean’s approach to leadership is built on his concept of Diamond Leadership, a four-point method that creates a self-perpetuating synergy for positive change. Dean has taught this method in elite conferences to countless rising leaders, and now he brings it to you.

Built on the success of Dean’s debut leadership book, Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line, this new release features a revised approach to the curriculum, expanded information, and a streamlined formula to develop the leader within you.

Essential Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line uses personal anecdotes to drive home the human element of leadership and will connect with you at any point on your journey to becoming a significant leader.

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Great Kids Don’t Just Happen

Great Kids Don’t Just Happen

$14.95eBook: $6.99

If there are children in your life, you need Dr. Smolen’s research and wisdom!

Physically and emotionally healthy children are Great Kids. They are happier when young and thrive as adults. Pediatrician Dr. Paul Smolen identifies five essential parenting elements which help develop happy and successful kids. In Great Kids Don’t Just Happen you will learn how to use those elements and nurture the children in your life.

The author’s observations and advice are supported by scientific studies referenced throughout the book and personal observations from his many years of practice as a pediatrician. The five essential elements and how to apply them are made easy to understand in the warm words of one who knows, practices, and teaches from research, observation, and experience. Learn how to provide:

  • Realistic praise
  • Consistent limits
  • A healthy emotional environment
  • Strong parental commitment
  • Stability

Dr. Smolen’s research and wisdom are sure to be of great help for your family and loved ones.

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Stories, Images, and Magic from the Piano Literature

Stories, Images, and Magic from the Piano Literature

$29.95eBook: $12.99
Author: Neil Rutman
Genre: Educational

Stories, Images, and Magic from the Piano Literature will stimulate the imagination of pianists as they study and perform the great works of the piano literature.  This book brings together for the first time under one cover, for the delight and edification of the musician, a plethora of programmatic, poetic, or imaginative musical images and stories on piano works from the classical literature.  Many images originate with the composers themselves, the pens of their acquaintances or contemporaries, while others derive from pianists and authors of distinction from later generations, as well as from translations of poetry on which a piano work is based.

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Take My Hand

Take My Hand

$14.99eBook: $7.99

The caregiver’s journey is often bittersweet, combining feelings of exhaustion, reflection, love, frustration, delight, shock, connection, and loneliness. Many caregivers understandably feel overwhelmed and find themselves wishing for someone to take their hand and guide them on their twisting and emotional journey. Take My Hand is that guide.

Written by Tia Amdurer, a Licensed Professional Counselor with a professional background in hospice, bereavement, and loss, Take My Hand is divided into chapters that serve as a practical resource while you navigate different aspects of caring for a loved one in their final years.

Interspersed with the educational chapters are insightful, witty, and heartfelt commentaries from a caregiver’s perspective. Pages for note taking and journaling are formatted to encourage self-reflection along the way.

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The Asiatic Fathers of America

The Asiatic Fathers of America

$19.95eBook: $9.99

Much evidence from both sides of the Pacific indicates that people from Asia reached America at very early dates. It also appears that at least occasional trips were made back to Asia.

This book, by Hendon M. Harris, Jr. and edited by Charlotte Rees, explores some of the early Asian accounts about voyages to a beautiful land to their east called Fu Sang. It explains how that trip was possible. Included are photos of an ancient Asian world map that show the location of the fabled Fu Sang -right where America should be.

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The Leadership Recipe

The Leadership Recipe

$19.99eBook: $12.99
Author: Dean Crisp
Genre: Educational

You follow instructions when assembling furniture, you follow tutorials when learning a new software, and you follow a recipe when you bake a pastry for the first time. What if there was a recipe you could follow that would help develop you into the leader you've always wanted to be?

No matter your ambition—whether you want to lead your department well or an entire organization as CEO—the components of leadership presented in this book are designed to help you grow into the best leader you can be.

Follow along with Mark, a young professional seeking to someday become CEO of the company where he works, as he learns the Leadership Recipe from his mentor, William, and applies it with his team. This allegory offers a refreshing way to help leaders at all levels understand the ingredients of successful leadership for themselves and others.

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The Power and Versatility of RNA-SEQ in Laboratory Research

The Power and Versatility of RNA-SEQ in Laboratory Research


RNA-sequencing is one of the most powerful tools available to cancer researchers, but it is not without its challenges.

In this book, Dr. Rathe provides a plethora of user-friendly tools and methods to assist cancer researchers in making the most of their RNA- sequencing data.

Dr. Rathe describes a novel approach to prioritize the gene and pathway changes in controlled experiments (DEAPR), as well as a causal deconstruction process for uncovering disease-specific expression patterns in patient samples (NODC). In addition, her experience with characterizing unusual cellular changes directly related to the use of CRISPR and Sleeping Beauty is a must for researchers utilizing these cell modification techniques. Her personalized approach makes the reading experience enjoyable as well as informative.

"I am pleased that Sue has pulled together this entertaining and easy-to-understand technical manual, so cancer researchers outside of my laboratory can benefit from her experience and avoid many of the pitfalls associated with RNA-seq data." —David A. Largaespada, PhD Professor, University of Minnesota

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To Our Health

To Our Health

Author: Denise Souza
Genre: Educational

o Our Health is a blueprint for wellness with all the tools to build a strong, healthy body and vibrant lifestyle. While there are many books focusing on gluten-free, dairy-free, proper food combining, and over all nutrition, To Our Health is the first to combine all of these wellness-relevant lifestyles.

With wellness and vibrancy as the goal, To Our Health recipes are also free of nightshade vegetables and low in salt, fats and animal protein. To Our Health offers crucial insight into the reasons behind the lifestyle requirements, answering questions of what, why, and how as well as offering easy tips to expand the recipes in this book, ensuring a seemingly endless array of delicious, healthy meals. A complete 21-Day Meal Plan takes the guesswork out of making the switch and helps you be successful from day one.

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Sleep: A User’s Guide

Sleep: A User’s Guide

Discover the secrets behind your restless nights and uncover the hidden marvels of your slumbering mind.

Are you tossing and turning at night? Drifting off during the day? You might have a sleep problem. Geared toward everyone from sleep-deprived students to active athletes to young-at-heart grandparents, this book will help you understand your sleep like never before, covering common sleep problems such as:

  • sleepwalking
  • sleep apnea
  • not enough sleep
  • overly drowsy during the day

And discussing the various impacts of disordered sleep on life including:

  • the effects of aging on sleep and memory
  • sleep and heart health
  • sleep's impact on weight and blood pressure
  • sleep and athletic performance

Written by a seasoned physician, Sleep: A User's Guide will help you understand what causes the problems you face and how you can get better, more reliable sleep.

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¡Codificar es divertido!

¡Codificar es divertido!


Para el niño que es curioso por naturaleza, este libro para colorear es una introducción divertida y educativa a las múltiples formas en que la codificación afecta nuestra vida cotidiana. Desde los coches a control remoto hasta las videollamadas, pasando por las lavadoras y el riego por goteo, la codificación hace que el mundo moderno funcione. Presente a los más pequeños las maravillas de la codificación con 30 ilustraciones originales en un libro de colorear que alimentará su curiosidad.

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Intimate Conversations: Face to Face with Matchless Musicians

Intimate Conversations: Face to Face with Matchless Musicians

$50.00eBook: $12.99

"Music is life. Music is a reflection of who we are as humans. Music tells us things that words can’t, it ignites feelings in us that we didn’t know we had, and it can reach a depth that nothing else can.” —Susan Graham, renowned American mezzo-soprano

Music has existed as long as there have been people to listen. It takes on many forms and is many things, providing entertainment, emotion, storytelling, and most of all, magic for all who hear.

In revealing and genuine interviews, Larry Ruttman converses with world-renowned musicians of the 21st century and engages them in an approachable manner. Dive into the recesses of their minds to discover the influences and inspiration behind classical music and other popular genres such as pop, jazz, folk, Americana, and many other genres impacting today’s musical culture.

Perfect for dedicated fans, determined students, and the casually interested listener to music of all genres, Intimate Conversations: Face to Face with Matchless Musicians is sure to inspire, fascinate, and entertain.

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The God Connection

The God Connection

After all, why should not some humans be like angels? If our spirit has the same origin and the same destination, we’re but pilgrims on the Earth.

Documented throughout various times, cultures, religions, and geographical locations are stories of spiritual events that transcend the human experience beyond the limits of the physical body.  Many have sought answers for how it may be possible that a human is comprised of both immaterial consciousness and physical matter. After all, physical evidence suggests a distinct connection between life and the functionality of the body. However, first-hand experiences passed down through global oral traditions and among present humans suggest the existence of the spiritual realm.

The God Connection is a philosophical treatment of both the savory and unsavory aspects of religion and the belief in a higher power. Written in simple and direct English, it embodies scientific insights as well as inspirational passages while also considering the negative implications of corrupt religious practices in tandem with the benefits of sound mystical explorations.

Join Dr. Basil Gala in this personal adventure into spiritual thought and meditation, complemented with scholarly research of the histories and achievements of great religious movements worldwide.

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